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2022 - Remembrance Day at Warragul - Gippsland, Victoria, Australia

Fortunately, Remembrance Day this year fell on a rain free day, which is unusual, given that there has been so much rain around in recent times.

The SAMVOA Warragul Club has been active, considering ourselves to be fortunate to be part of such a vibrant RSL veteran community. As we become more and more involved in this RSL, we are grateful to receive invitations to lay wreaths, where, in the order of wreath laying this Remembrance Day, SAMVOA laid the first wreath after the RSL Warragul wreath. The politicians, who should have been before us, arrived late and they landed up being the last to lay their wreath!

There must have been well over 150 persons attending this service on a Friday morning, where our two wreath layers were Veteran Kevin Edwards and Veteran Brian Tucker.

Veterans Kevin Edwards and Brian Tucker lay the SAMVOA wreath

(By courtesy of the Warragul/Drouin Gazette)

Also present on the day was Veteran Tony Macquet, seen in this photo with Veteran Kevin Edwards, John Brooks, a Peacekeeper and a current serving Victorian Police member. Also in the picture is Tania Keeble, who is the Warragul and District representative of Disaster Relief Australia.

Left to right; Kevin Edwards, Tony Macquet, John Brooks and Tania Keeble.

(By courtesy of Veteran Bob Green, Communications Officer Warragul RSL)

The Catafalque Party was posted by members of HMAS Cerberus and they did a fine job in its execution.

We retired to the Warragul RSL for tea and refreshments put on by our Club’s very capable catering staff. Of course, a bit of time was spent in the Ales on Albert, for a bit of the better stuff.

A great day all round, but, more importantly, the opportunity and a fitting occasion to remember all those who gave their lives for our freedom.


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